2024 Risk Management Insights: What Every Board Member Needs to Know

Understanding the dynamics of risk management is critical for audit committees and boards of directors in the ever-evolving corporate governance landscape. The recent CAQ-Deloitte 2024 Audit Committee Practices Report and Wheelhouse Advisors' 2024 IRM Navigator™ Annual Viewpoint Report provide comprehensive insights into these dynamics. These reports highlight the increasing significance of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Integrated Risk Management (IRM) technology, shedding light on their critical roles in navigating today's complex risk environment. This article delves into the key findings of these reports, exploring how IRM technology bridges the gap between ERM, Operational Risk Management (ORM), Technology Risk Management (TRM), and Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC).

John A. Wheeler

John A. Wheeler is the founder and CEO of Wheelhouse Advisors, a global risk management strategy and technology advisory firm. With over three decades of experience in various roles spanning executive management, finance, risk management, audit, and IT, John is a world-renowned expert and advisor in integrated risk management technology, executive leadership, and corporate governance.

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